Explainer videos are powerful, multi-use marketing tools that just about any business should be using. From pitching your product or service, to explaining how to do something, when done right they can educate and entertain at the same time. Whether you want one for your website, corporate training program, email campaigns, or anything else, it’s important to avoid these 5 common mistakes so that your next video will come out successful:
1. Overdoing the on-screen text
On-screen text is a great tool to use in your explainer video to drive important messages home. For example, if your video calls for a scene that lists out a number of tasks, you can accompany the voiceover with on-screen text that bullets out each thing mentioned. This approach helps improve retention and is a good way to keep viewer attention. Just be sure you don’t overdo the on-screen text throughout your video to prevent overwhelming your viewers.
2. Unclear messages
Before kicking off your project with the explainer video company you’re working with, be sure you’ve thought hard about what you want to include. Will your video be used to drive awareness and feature your businesses high-level benefits, or will it be more specific and showcase only certain aspects? You don’t need to have everything worked out, but having an idea around the messages you want to put out in the world will help your video perform the way you are hoping.
3. Bad audio
Audio is just as important as visuals in your explainer video. Avoid recording your own voiceover – unless you’ve been professionally trained – and work with a professional. If you include background music and / or sound effects, don’t make either very loud. This common mistake can distract your viewers and draw their attention away from the important messages you need to get across.
4. Boring visuals
Visuals plays a key role in how well an explainer video performs, and videos with fun, understandable visuals put smiles on viewers faces have a better chance at connecting with your audience. Be sure the team you work with creates visuals that are unique to your brand and story, and never re-using from previous projects.
5. Not getting enough feedback
Have as many teammates as possible to review your video. Diverse perspectives can surface issues you may not have noticed, and new ideas may emerge that will strengthen your video. You don’t need to incorporate all the feedback, but it’s always helpful to get extra eyes on your explainer video.
Address these common mistakes during the video production process to produce a video that resonates with your viewers and gets you the business results you’re looking for. An explainer video is a powerful tool that represents your brand, so pay attention to the details closely.
Contact us today to start your next explainer video.
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