If a picture is worth a thousand words a video must be worth a million. Every company has to train employees to learn about a process or idea. Making training videos for employees saves you time and money and helps to maintain more consistency.
Whether you’re looking to make live-action training videos animated explainer videos or something else, you’ll want to follow these 5-steps to make them effective and memorable:
1. Extract knowledge from your subject matter experts
The most important task in training is providing the right information from you subject matter experts. The challenge is that the people in the know aren’t often the best at explaining what they know. Find a subject expert and interview him or her to determine what key points need to be included in your video. Spend some time outlining which steps are mission-critical.
Be creative – basing your workplace ethics training on a horror film theme, for example, helps your video be more engaging and memorable
2. Split up the process into digestible steps
Any complicated process is easier to learn when it’s separated into a series of easily understandable steps. If the steps are long, you should consider a video for each one. Your training videos should be three to five minutes each in length.
3. Identify the most important message in every step
If your steps are all a bit similar, it may be difficult for your trainees to differentiate between them. Focus on the one or two most important elements of each step in the process, and make it the focus of each training video.
If you tie in a song or joke to a step, you make your training videos much more memorable.
4. Use memorable sayings to help differentiate each step from others
Complex processes can be hard to remember, regardless of how many times trainees watch your training videos. Make each video stand out by finding a phrase or action that’s specific to the step. If you tie in a song or joke to a step, you’ll make them much more memorable.
5. Create a consistent look-and-feel to the video series
Making every video unique and memorable is crucial, but you also need to tie it all together to drive the messages home. If your workplace ethics training is based on a horror film theme, for example, and your onboarding training series was shot in the style of an educational hygiene film from the 1960s, your employees will connect with the training videos more effectively.
Remember that the best training videos for employees are concise and memorable. If you make the extra effort to create entertaining training videos, you’ll spend less time holding in-person trainings or cleaning up after their mistakes. Plus they’ll remember the concepts longer and can even teach other employees.
Since 2012, Sharp Eye Animation has been making training videos for employees that work. To get started on your own contact us today or learn more at our blog.
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