Ah the holidays. A time for Cyber Monday specials and Black Friday offers. Also a time to send your holiday emails, thanking customers and wishing them a happy new year.
In a sea of season’s greetings emails, animated videos help you stand out while engaging, informing and delighting your audience.
Here are 3 reasons why animation is the perfect tool for your upcoming holiday email campaigns:
1. They make you stand out
Times have changed and email has evolved to support not just text and images, but video as well. While many companies continue sending their basic text + image-based emails like they have for years, you can stand out by adding custom animated video to your holiday emails.
One of our clients – MCS Solutions – partnered with us to make an animated video for their holiday emails. It shows Christmas Eve chaos at Santa’s workshop being put back in order thanks to MCS Solutions, a model many businesses can use in an email animation.
2. They’re good for business
Using animated videos in holiday emails drives better open and click through rates than emails with just text and images. In fact just mentioning “video” in your subject line increases open rates by 19%.
Athena Software for example, added an animated explainer video we made for them to a recent email campaign. After sending it out to their audience they saw open rates increase from their typical 1.5% to an impressive 23.4%.
Click-through rates also increased from 3.5% to 12.5%. Boosting rates like these drive traffic to your site and lead to search engine ranking improvements.
Just mentioning “video” in your subject line increases open rates by 19%
3. They’re memorable
Research shows that people remember more when shown a video with audio and visuals, than when shown just visuals like just text and images. Holiday emails help increase the chances of your audience remembering your company, product or service when the time is right.
Email continues to be the main form of communication today, and it’s evolved to support more engaging content including video. As more companies evolve their email campaigns to include videos, businesses that don’t will have a harder time making an impact with their holiday emails.
Discover why businesses choose Sharp Eye Animation for their holiday video marketing content, and to get started on your own custom animated video contact us today.
Start With Your Video Today
Let Sharp Eye Animation create affordable, high-quality video content for your brand!