People love stories. We all do. We connect with them. Stories allow us marketers to put actions and words into context. When you’re marketing a product or service, stories help you show prospective buyers what you’re offering without a hard sell. When a story aligns with a viewer’s values and needs, a prospect identifies empathetically with its characters.
To give your story a solid structure, be sure to include these elements:
1. The Opening: Every video needs to start somewhere. The beginning establishes the context, characters, time, place and circumstance.
2. The Middle: The middle contains the dramatic point of conflict or anticipation that engages your audience. It’s where the action is.
3. The Ending: Ultimately, the conflict must be resolved, often with an offer of solution from your company
To drive the action you want from viewers, identify these components:
4. Setting: Determine where the story takes place, and decide which important characters are involved. Viewers must be able to easily understand the place, the business process being addressed, and the company involved in the story so that they know what’s happening.
5. Hero: Character drives the story. He or she nearly always has a purpose. The protagonist is the reason the story is happening. However, the person who drives the action isn’t necessarily the character whom viewers identify as themselves.
6. Struggle: Conflict establish is the emotional connection. Somehow, obstacles get in the way, and pain is created. When you coordinate the challenge of the characters to correspond with your prospects pain, you make the emotional connection.
7. Solution: Ultimately, your prescribed course of action should end the story. Even if the purpose of a marketing video is only implied, it still must promote your products, service, or idea. The characters must be perceived as benefiting from your offering – or at least missing out if they don’t buy.
One key difference between marketing videos and other videos is that marketing videos are designed to explain and compel a certain action from the viewer. A marketing video has a purpose beyond just entertaining: Telling a story must make the point and drive the viewer to respond.
Here’s an example marketing video script outline:
Hero has problems →
Looks for a solution →
Finds your company →
Explanation of your product/service’s benefits + how it works →
Call to action
This structure and these components make up the foundation of most marketing videos, however each company’s needs are unique. To see what a marketing video can do for your business, contact us today for a free consultation or visit our blog to learn more.
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Additional video marketing resources:
How To Find the Best YouTube Video Tags
3 Considerations When Setting Out To Produce Your First Animated Video
Explainer Video Script Outline
Video CTAs: The Best Include These 4 Elements
Everything You Need To Know About Making Animated Videos For YouTube